Impressions of PDAC Mining Trade Show

For those in the resource industry and supply chain, that may have missed this show, I am sure you have heard that it was very well attended by investors, mining companies and the supply trade from around the world.  In fact, the attendance was over the 22,000 + mark.   PDAC maintains its stellar position as the largest Mining Trade Show in the world.

But, the past few years have not been kind to this industry due to low commodity prices, limited CAPEX and fundamentally high risk in investments.   However, this year has started out robustly with the re-opening of old coalmines and the starting of new ones.   As well, the price of Iron Ore is making Australia very bullish to expand exploration throughout the country.

Of course, the Gold Miners are always the most exciting to watch and this year they are not letting us down.   From a multiple of M&A’s announced to many new project start-ups in remote locations, there is optimism for these metals plus other precious stones.   I am also inspired by the application to Information Technology as applied to everything from workforce logistics to exploration drilling.

My Three Messages from the show that give me motivation and inspiration:


Ironically, it was a common theme that the last few years were so bad for suppliers and investors that 2017 is now willed to be better.   In addition, there is ample evidence to support the turn.


Global influences that are still in play globally from new governments (Federally to State/Province), the major European events to conflicts and the major famine in Africa.


From BREXIT to TRUMP, a fragile Oil & Gas sector and some currency exposure with possible interest hiccups, there are too many events to plot with confidence that they will not affect the sector.

The bottom line is one of getting those aircraft in the air on Seismic, moving the drills to site and discussing investments globally.   CONGRATS to PDAC for creating the chemistry and “making it happen”.